
Plastic parts manufacturing: 7 effective ways to reduce production costs

2024-08-07 Yixin Precision Metal and Plastic Ltd

Cost control is a basic strategy for many companies to maintain competitiveness and profitability. Due to the special characteristics of plastic materials, they are manufactured into parts widely used in all kinds of products, for example, in the home appliance industry, the current use of plastic has reached 40% of the weight ratio, and many home appliance parts made of steel have been replaced by plastic parts, for example, the plastic parts of the refrigerator accounted for more than 70% of the overall parts and components, so cost reduction on plastic parts is one of the effective measures to reduce the cost of the entire product.

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Optimize Design


The design stage is a key step in reducing costs. A simple and effective design can decrease material usage and lower production complexity.


1. Simplify Part Design: By reducing complex shapes and unnecessary features, you can significantly lower the difficulty and cost of mold making. A simpler design is also easier to produce, reducing errors and scrap rates during manufacturing.


2. Reduce Material Usage: Ensure the part is strong and functional while minimizing material thickness and weight. Tools like Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can help optimize the design to use materials more efficiently, cutting down on waste.


3. Standardize Design: Use standardized parts and components wherever possible. This reduces the need for custom molds and makes it easier to find suitable suppliers, lowering procurement costs.

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Choose the Right Materials


Material selection has a big impact on cost. The right materials are affordable and meet the performance requirements of the part.


1. Cost-Effective Materials: Choose materials that are relatively inexpensive yet meet the necessary requirements. For example, polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) are often good choices because they are both affordable and have good mechanical properties.


2. Recycled Materials: Using recycled plastics can lower material costs and reduce environmental impact. This approach is both economical and eco-friendly, gaining popularity among manufacturers.


Optimize Mold Manufacturing


Molds are the key tools for producing plastic parts, and optimizing mold production can significantly cut costs.


1. Mold Design: A well-designed mold can improve production efficiency and reduce issues during manufacturing. Using multi-cavity molds to produce several parts at once can greatly increase efficiency and lower the cost per part.


2. Mold Maintenance: Regular maintenance ensures molds operate at peak efficiency, extending their lifespan and reducing downtime and repair costs.


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Improve Production Processes


Enhancing production processes is an effective way to cut costs. Optimizing process parameters and introducing automation can boost efficiency and reduce labor costs.


1. Optimize Process Parameters: Experiment with and adjust injection molding parameters like temperature, pressure, and injection speed to improve efficiency and product quality. Proper temperature control, for example, can minimize material waste and ensure consistent products.


2. Automated Production: Introducing automated equipment and robots can significantly increase production efficiency and reduce labor costs. Automation not only speeds up production but also minimizes human errors, enhancing product quality.


3. Reduce Scrap Rates: Strengthen quality control and process monitoring to promptly identify and resolve issues, reducing the number of defective parts. High-quality products decrease waste and improve customer satisfaction.

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Optimize Production Batches


Efficiently managing production batches can lower costs. Large batch production can spread fixed costs over more parts, boosting efficiency.


1. Large Batch Production: Producing parts in large batches spreads fixed costs like molds and equipment over more units, lowering the cost per part. For example, producing 1,000 parts costs less per unit than producing just 10.


2. Batch Management: Schedule production batches efficiently to avoid frequent mold and equipment changes, reducing adjustment time and scrap. Continuous production enhances efficiency and cuts downtime.

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Supply Chain Management


Optimizing supply chain management can lower material and transportation costs, boosting production efficiency.


1. Procurement Optimization: Bulk purchasing can secure lower prices for materials and equipment. Working with multiple suppliers to find the best deals can effectively reduce procurement costs.


2. Logistics Management: Streamline logistics and storage to cut transportation and inventory costs. Efficient logistics reduce shipping time and expenses, enhancing production efficiency.

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Save Energy


Energy costs are a significant part of plastic part manufacturing. Saving energy can noticeably reduce production costs.


1. Energy-Efficient Equipment: Use energy-efficient injection molding machines and auxiliary equipment to cut energy consumption. Modern machines often have energy recovery features, recycling waste heat generated during production.


2. Energy Recovery: Recycle waste heat during production to boost energy efficiency. For instance, waste heat from injection molding machines can be used to preheat materials, reducing energy use.




Reducing the manufacturing cost of plastic parts is crucial for many businesses. By employing reasonable methods and strategies, companies can significantly lower production costs while maintaining product quality. Key approaches include optimizing design by simplifying part features, reducing material usage, and standardizing components. Selecting cost-effective and recycled materials also plays a crucial role.


Optimizing mold manufacturing through effective design and regular maintenance can enhance efficiency and lower costs. Improving production processes by fine-tuning parameters, automating production, and minimizing scrap rates further reduces expenses. Efficient batch management and supply chain optimization, including bulk purchasing and streamlined logistics, help in cost reduction.


Finally, adopting energy-efficient equipment and recycling waste heat can significantly cut energy costs. By implementing these strategies, manufacturers can effectively lower the cost of producing plastic parts, enhancing their competitiveness.

Contact Us

  • Yixin Precision Metal and Plastic Ltd
  • Address:Shajing Road 211-3, Shatou Industrial Park, Shajing Street, Bao'an Distrist, Shenzhen(518104), China
  • Tel:86-0755-2756 6993
  • Phone:86-1893 8911 183