What causes the surface blackening of aluminum alloy parts:
1. The unreasonable process method is one of the main reasons for the surface blackening of aluminum alloy parts.
2. Aluminum alloy parts in the warehouse management errors. The mold of aluminum alloy parts is different under different storage height, so storage location and environmental temperature will affect the mold degree of aluminum alloy parts.
3. Internal factors of aluminum alloy workpiece. Some aluminum alloy parts manufacturers, after completing die-casting or machining processes, simply flush the workpiece with water, or do not do any cleaning, so they can not completely clean the aluminum alloy workpiece, mold release agent, cutting fluid, saponification fluid and other corrosive substances and stains remained on the surface of die-casting aluminum parts, which accelerated the rate of mold spots blackening of aluminum alloy die-casting parts.
4. External environmental factors of aluminum alloy parts. Aluminum is a kind of active metal, it is easy to oxidize and become black or moldy under certain humidity and temperature conditions, which is decided by its own characteristics.
5. Aluminum alloy parts in the cleaning process to choose the appropriate cleaning agent. If the chosen cleaning agent has strong corrosion, it is easy to cause die-casting aluminum corrosion oxidation.